Why Cinque Terre Are Worth a Visit
Cinque Terre are famous for their picturesque beauty, but people often wonder: “I have never been to Italy, are Cinque Terre worth a visit?”
Local tips & tricks on how to visit Cinque Terre and the Italian Riviera.
You will find articles about the most stunning trekking trails, panoramic views, hidden gems, local cuisine and more!
Cinque Terre are famous for their picturesque beauty, but people often wonder: “I have never been to Italy, are Cinque Terre worth a visit?”
Among the beauties in the surroundings of Cinque Terre, there is definitely the island of Palmaria. It is located at the end of the western side of the Gulf of La Spezia, just in front of the village of Porto Venere.
Positive vibes in Italy come from food, the best way to explore a place. So here is a list of things you should definitely eat in Cinque Terre
Lerici and San Terenzo are two small villages on the eastern side of the Gulf of La Spezia. Porto Venere is located precisely on the opposite side, in fact you can admire it from Lerici, together with the islands.
The local sanctuaries in Cinque Terre constitute one of the most popular trails. There are five in total, one for each village and they are located just above the correspondent inhabited centers.
The sanctuary of Madonna dell’Olmo is located above the Gulf of La Spezia, above the road leading to Cinque Terre and 280 meters above sea level.
Rice pie is one of the local food of Liguria. You wouldn’t find it in all the italian regions and there are some basic ingredients to make it tasty.
Together with pesto, Farinata is one of the typical dishes of Liguria. It’s a very simple dish based on chickpea flour.